Solar Panel Installation and
Water Purification Services in Florida

Servicios de primera categoría para asegurar que nuestros clientes disfruten de eficiencia energética,

facturas de servicios reducidas y acceso a agua potable pura y segura.


Benefits of Solar Panels / Beneficios de los Paneles Solares

Energy emerges as a new alternative for environmentally responsible energy consumption, given the impact generated by non-renewable energy. Among its benefits are:

• It is renewable

• It is a source of unlimited energy

• It is the cleanest source of energy and does not endanger or increase global warming, because it does not produce greenhouse gases or byproducts dangerous to the environment

• It has a low cost of use, after the initial investment in the manufacturing of the components and the installation, which is what can be the most expensive

• Clean energy can be produced that is cheaper than that purchased through the grid

• It is available throughout the planet, making it the best way to provide electricity to isolated places, where the cost of installing electricity distribution lines is too high

La energía emerge como una nueva alternativa para un consumo energético ambientalmente responsable, dada el impacto generado por la energía no renovable. Entre sus beneficios se encuentran:

• Es renovable.

• Es una fuente de energía ilimitada.

• Es la fuente de energía más limpia y no pone en peligro ni aumenta el calentamiento global, ya que no produce gases de efecto invernadero ni subproductos peligrosos para el medio ambiente.

• Tiene un bajo costo de uso, después de la inversión inicial en la fabricación de los componentes y la instalación, que es lo que puede ser más costoso.

• Se puede producir energía limpia que sea más barata que la adquirida a través de la red eléctrica.

• Está disponible en todo el planeta, lo que la convierte en la mejor manera de proporcionar electricidad a lugares aislados, donde el costo de instalar líneas de distribución de electricidad es demasiado alto.

We offer professional panel installation at affordable prices.

Save on the electric bill!

Millions of residents in Florida are waiting for an increase in the electric bill in the near future.

Get ready as soon as possible! Having electric service with panels will help reduce costs on your bills so you save more money and can help the planet with clean energy.

¡No sufra por la factura!

Millones de residentes en Florida están a la espera de un aumento en el bill eléctrico en próximas fechas.

¡Prepárese cuanto antes! Tener un servicio eléctrico con paneles le ayudará a reducir los costos en sus cuentas para que ahorre más dinero y pueda ayudar al planeta con energía limpia.

Solar panel installation near me.

Solar Panel Services

Our solar panel installation services are designed to provide you with a reliable and efficient energy solution.

Solar energy is a renewable, clean source of power that can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and utility bills. Our solar panel installation services are designed to provide you with a reliable and efficient energy solution tailored to your specific needs.

Solar Panel Installation Process

Consultation and Assessment
We start with a thorough consultation to understand your energy needs and conduct an on-site assessment to determine the best system for your property.
Design and Proposal
Our team designs a customized solar energy system tailored to your specific requirements and provides a detailed proposal, including cost estimates and potential savings.
Permitting and Approvals
We handle all necessary permits and approvals, ensuring compliance with local regulations and standards.
Our experienced technicians install your solar panel system efficiently and professionally, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.
Inspection and Activation
After installation, we conduct a thorough inspection to ensure everything is working correctly. We then guide you through the activation process, so you start generating solar power immediately.
Monitoring and Maintenance
We offer ongoing monitoring and maintenance services to ensure your system operates at peak efficiency, providing you with peace of mind and continuous savings.

Water Purification Systems

Our water purification systems are designed to remove contaminants, providing you with pure, safe drinking water.

Access to clean water is essential for health and well-being. Our water purification systems are designed to remove contaminants, providing you with pure, safe drinking water for your home or business.

Eco Home Improvement offers a high quality water purification system.

Reasons why you should have a water purifier / Razones por las que
deberías tener un purificador de agua

  • Chlorine and other chemicals can be removed, existing in the water.
  • A bad taste or odor is eliminated.
  • Removes bacteria and debris from the water.
  • You soften the water.
  • Hydrated hair and skin. Longer life of your appliances.
  • Safe water for your whole family and help the environment!

  • El cloro y otros químicos pueden ser eliminados, que existen en el agua.
  • Se eliminan los malos sabores y malos olores.
  • Elimina bacterias y residuos del agua.
  • Suaviza el agua.
  • Cabello y piel hidratados.
  • Mayor vida útil de tus electrodomésticos.
  • ¡Agua segura para toda tu familia y ayuda al medio ambiente!

Water Services

Comprehensive water services to ensure that you and your family have access to pure, balanced water at all times

Improved Hydration
Alkaline water is absorbed more efficiently by the body, leading to better hydration and overall health.
Balanced pH Levels
Consuming alkaline water can help neutralize the acidity in your body, promoting a balanced pH level, which is essential for maintaining optimal health.
Antioxidant Properties
The antioxidant properties of alkaline water can help reduce oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals, potentially slowing the aging process and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Enhanced Detoxification
Alkaline water aids in flushing out toxins from the body more effectively, supporting the natural detoxification processes of the kidneys and liver.
Better Digestion
Drinking alkaline water can help alleviate acid reflux and improve overall digestive health by neutralizing stomach acid.
Our solar panels and water purification systems are high quality.

Eco Home Improvement

Working installations hand in hand with INFINITUM SOLAR AND SERRATO

Whole-House Water Systems

Our whole-house systems ensure that every tap in your home dispenses alkaline water, providing you

with consistent access to high-quality water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

What Our Clients Say About Us

I couldn't be happier with the services provided by Eco Home Improvements. From the initial consultation to the installation of our solar panels, everything was handled professionally and efficiently. The team was knowledgeable and answered all our questions with patience. We are now enjoying significant savings on our electricity bills, and it's great to know we're contributing to a greener planet. I highly recommend Eco Home Improvements for anyone considering solar panel installation!


Jessica M.

Eco Home Improvements recently installed a water purifier in our home, and we are extremely satisfied with the results. The water quality has improved dramatically, and it tastes so much better. The installation process was smooth, and the technicians were very courteous and professional. They made sure everything was set up perfectly and even gave us tips on maintenance. Choosing Eco Home Improvements was one of the best decisions we've made for our home!


David S.

Después de mucha investigación, decidimos optar por Eco Home Improvements tanto para la instalación de paneles solares como para purificador de agua, y estamos encantados con los resultados. hemos notado una reducción significativa en nuestros costos de energía. El purificador de agua también ha hecho una diferencia notable en la calidad de nuestro agua potable. Todo el equipo de Eco Home Improvements fue fantástico, brindando un excelente servicio al cliente y una mano de obra de alta calidad. Los recomendamos altamente por sus soluciones ecológicas y servicio sobresaliente.


Emily R.

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